Affordable Beginner Friendly Luxury Wig: LuvMe Hair Headband Wig

This Post Has Been Sponsored by LuvMe Hair . All thoughts and Opinions are my own.

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Let's about talk affordable beginner-friendly wigs. When I first started wearing wigs my senior year of college I had no idea what I was doing, I was just a year into being natural again after big chopping for the second time. I had never tried a wig before but I figured why not? Now years later I still wear wigs and I still sometimes think I have no idea what I'm doing. Therefore I'm all for an easy to install affordable wig. 

LuvMe Hair has just that affordable luxury human hair wigs in all styles straight, body wave, curly, bob you name they got it. That is not even the best part for someone who is all for a quick hassle free style they have headband wigs. Which means no laying down the lace, blending the lace, or lifting lace. you just leave out some of your natural hair lay your edges pop that bad boy on and you are good to go. Throw on a fancy headband if you are feeling snazzy or even just rock the plain black one it comes with it's that simple. 

I got the Mix Color Highlights Deep Wave Headband Wig 18inches. First, the wig comes nicely packaged with all the essentials you could need right there in the box. Multiple headbands to add to your style, wig caps, an edge brush, bobby pins it's all there. The wig itself is soft minimal if any shedding, light on your head, full and natural-looking. I loved that with this wig I could wear it wet for a more wet curly look, you could straighten it if you like or if you are like me and like your big hair fluff it out for a big curly wig

This wig is a great start to finding which style is most comfortable for you. I will show you five different styles that are comfortable for me to wear and super easy to do. If you love the wet look because some people do just spritz with water and add a styling mousse making sure to work all the way to the ends.  A messy bun is a fan favorite and self explanatory. I like the hair to be drier but it can also be achieved when wet along with ponytails. 

The style options with this wig are endless too, half up half down, high bun, low bun, ponytail the versatility is there. So if you are looking to start your journey into the world of wigs or you want to try it out just to try LuvMe Hair has the best wigs for you. And because I want you to start your haircare/wig journey on a good note. I have a special code for you to get 20% off on your purchase use code: Demarcusbsean to save.