Holy Guacamole


Who doesn’t love nice fresh guacamole, well except my husband he's not really a fan of avocados he will eat them sometimes but its quite rare. Sometimes i wonder how i married someone who doesn't like a lot of my favorite foods. My husband is a chicken type of man he can eat chicken all day everyday, i on the other hand love seafood, sushi, avocados,cucumbers, mushrooms, watermelon and cheese which are all things he hates (he doesn't hate cheese he just finds it weird i can just sit and eat cheese by itself all day long). I'm not really big on chicken but I eat it I prefer it fried not healthy I know but can't go wrong with fried chicken.

Anyways back to the guacamole so since my husband doesn't really eat guacamole and my 1 year old could care less for it right now i usually only make a personal serving. It's what works best so that I don't end up with too much leftover. With that being said I'm going to be sharing the recipe to make just enough for a personal serving but of course you can always double/triple/quadruple the recipe to suit your needs and family size.

Guacamole Recipe  (1).png

Note: Add a Jalapeno if you like your guacamole a little spicier. A little sprinkle of cayenne even works.

*My pregnancy/mom brain forgot to add the cilantro until after i looked over and saw it sitting on the counter, by then i already took these photos.

I personally like to really make my guacamole my own and someday’s I add more seasoning than the one’s listed or a throw in a jalapeno, maybe a Serrano just whatever I’m feeling that day. I also am not a huge fan of tomatoes so I prefer my guac with fewer tomatoes and more onion and cilantro. This is why I didn’t quite give you exact measurements so that you can really take it and make it your own to suit your taste buds. Either way these are all the basic starter ingredients you need to make a sure-fire fresh and tasty guacamole.

This Guacamole is best served fresh, great for taco’s, avocado toast, a nice sandwich spread, or just a dip for chips and veggies sure to enhance anything you put it on. Being that it’s really packed with flavor.

It can be stored for 1-2 days, I just prefer to eat it all in one day because it tastes so much better fresh. However if you choose to store, a simple trick I like to use besides squeezing extra lime juice on top which I find doesn’t really work well. Is to pack it down nice and flat in an airtight container, pour about a 1/2 inch of water on top cover with plastic wrap, place the top put in the fridge, and boom done.

Below are a few tools that are useful when making Guacamole, Links associated on page may be affiliate links, as a amazon associate I may earn a small commission on qualified purchases. This however does not raise the price for you as a consumer.