How To Increase Pinterest Views And Drive More Traffic To Your Blog

How To Increase Pinterest Views and Blog Traffic| DemarcusBSean

Today i’m going to share with you some of the tips that I found very useful in helping me grow my monthly views, saves, and engagement on Pinterest. Overall increasing my link clinks and driving more than double the amount of traffic to my blog. Don’t worry I have proof because I hate when I read something and i’m like well where is the proof. I will be sure to give examples all through out and at the very end compare my 2019 blog traffic to my blog traffic from the first 4 months of 2020. Mind you I only started utilizing Pinterest in March so really it’s 2 months of traffic.

So Why Should You Use Pinterest?

Pinterest is a great resource to utilize for all bloggers no matter what you blog about or if you are just a beginner. It is one of the largest search engines in the world up there with google. Millions of people use pinterest everyday to find things from recipes, home decor, outfit inspo, you name it pinterest more than likely has it. So I mean if you aren’t utilizing pinterest what are you really doing because you are clearly missing out.

Now if you are completely new to pinterest there are some basic steps you need to take first just to get established and familiar with pinterest. If that’s that case it’s okay check out my friend WithLoveJulianna’s blog post on How To Increase Increase Traffic To Your Blog With Pinterest, it will give you the basic steps you need before utilizing these.

  • Board Cover's & Key Word Rich Descriptions:It's important for all of your boards to have a nice collective them when it comes to the covers to give your profile a professional and clean looking aesthetic. You can make these on Canva or whatever you use to help design your thumbnails and pins. Along with board covers, all of your boards should have keyword-rich descriptions so that when people search these terms your boards and photos from that board are more likely to pop up. It doesn't have to be long just be sure to use words that describe your board and will help drive traffic in.  

This brings me to my next point make your board names simple or unique but don't make the hard to remember. A good way to do this is for instance if you have a travel board but you don't want to call it travel because that's boring to you. Simply get on Pinterest or even google and search names for travel boards. It will give you things such as "Travel With Me" "Explore The World" "See The World Through My Eyes" all simple. Don't go for complex names with crazy spellings. 

* A Few of my Boards for Example

  • Keep Track of What's Trending- Seem's simple enough right just keep an eye out for what is trending on Pinterest or what is set to trend. Then try and make some content that falls under that category to help gain exposure. For instance, we are getting ready to enter the month of June which means people are going to start looking for things pertaining to Father's Day. So if you don't have Father's Day content planned now is the time to get it figured out. 

  • Make sure your most important boards are always first- So in this case one relating directly to your website or blog. That way when someone clicks on your profile that is the first thing they see and it ups your chances of having them click over to check it out. Along with your Key Descriptive name and profile description which should give them a quick little excerpt of what you are about. Remember to use Key Rich word description this is your time to really draw in your viewer. This is also important for SEO. Here's an example of what my Pinterest profile looks like when you first click on it. 

What you see as soon as you click on my profile.

  • Collaborative Boards- now this can be a hit or miss but if it works it can bring you a whole new audience from followers to monthly viewers. A tip would be to try and find boards with active members. People who are actually participating on Pinterest and helping to repin your content in exchange for repinning theirs. You don't want to end up on board that's basically a dead zone, meaning everyone drops their content but no one repins. Pinterest's algorithm will see those pins as dead or low-quality content and it won't help push your content to the masses so be careful. 

My Collaborative Board is fairly new and still accepting members who are willing to participate you can find us on Pinterest at Modern Motherhood. If you genuinely support other people then more than likely they will do the same in return. Everyone can win it's not a competition. 

Modern Motherhood Pinterest Group Board
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  • Video Pins- Now when people think Pinterest they think pictures but let me tell you videos are becoming just as important as pictures these days. (Vertical Pictures work the best for Pinterest). As a member of the Pinterest Video Program, I can tell you videos that are constantly trending are recipes, home decor, and anything that pertains to an upcoming holiday. Beauty is starting to trend more now too. Getting this content out before the actual holiday comes around is crucial for your views so that when people start searching your pins are already circulating giving them a better chance for exposure.  Although, my two most popular videos right now are literally a video of my son telling me no when he was 8 months old and a video of his playroom when I first got the idea to make him one.

  • Schedule Pins- That's Right schedule your pins out as far in advance as you can. Tailwind is a good app for this but does cost a monthly or yearly fee and if you are just not ready for that commitment. Pinterest lets you schedule up to 30 pins no more than 2 weeks in advance. I personally have not made the jump to purchase tailwind yet. 

  • Repin Your Pins- I mean what can I say besides be sure to repin your pin to multiple boards. Having pins that can fall under many of your board categories is a lifesaver. Just schedule out that you go back and repin it to another board a few days later. Repin your old pins it doesn't hurt. 

  • Key Word SEO- Can’t say it enough key words, key words and more key words. Do your keyword research SEO is so important to your growth.

  • Pin at Different Times- Don't wake up and pin all your pins in the morning and never get back on Pinterest. Unless you schedule them out for multiple times throughout the day but even so you still need to get on and go repin others pins throughout the day. This is to help expand your reach and have your pins seen by different local and global audiences. 

  • Consistency: Don't pretend like you didn't see this one coming like anything in life if you want to see a change or get better at something you have to stay consistent. Now I know as bloggers, influencers, moms, entrepreneurs it doesn't matter what you do or who you are we are all busy and trying to juggle everything going on in our lives. Pinterest takes work, time, and dedication so if you aren't willing to give it your all then I suggest maybe put it off until you have the time to do it right.  

    Bonus Tip: The Golden number of pins right now per day is 30. However, the minimum number of pins should be at least 2-3 of your own pins and between 5-10 repins a day. 

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These are just so things that I have found through research and lots of trial and error have worked to help me grow my Pinterest to 1.3Million monthly views in less than 3 months. So just find what works for you and adjust as you go.

*If you look at my Pinterest now I fluctuate between 500K- 1.2 Million monthly views because I decided to take a 2-month break. My version of maternity leave and do absolutely nothing and it shows. In my monthly views, my engagement with my website traffic it all went down.

Pinterest Growth Graphic| DemarcusBSean


Story Pins are a new thing on pinterest that they are really pushing right now. I have not done much research on this yet but I will say having used it a couple of times the engagement is there to drive them to your boards or profile but not so much link clinks. So i’m not really sure if it is truly worth it yet. Only time will tell so will get back to you on that.