How to Stay Active and Feel Confident

This Post has been sponsored by Nike. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Everyone’s fitness journey is different. Things change, people change, and life happens. While I’ve never been one for hardcore fitness, I was a high school athlete and have always had a slightly athletic build. Here I am, two kids later and things aren’t what they used to be. Even though there isn’t anything wrong with my body, I just don’t love it. I don’t find comfort in the things I put on, and I don’t feel confident when I look in the mirror. 

That's the main reason I decided that, for my own mental health, I was going to start a new health and wellness journey that benefited me. I started the 75 Soft Challenge. If you haven’t heard of it, you’re challenged to do a 45-minute workout 6x a week, drink 3 liters of water, prioritize a balanced diet, and read 10 pages daily. I love that this challenge is flexible and allows me to switch up my activity. Sometimes my workouts consist of kettlebell workouts at home, running or jogging laps with my kids around the neighborhood as they ride their bikes, taking family walks to the park, or even playing Just Dance with my son for some quick cardio.

If you are anything like me and you have to motivate yourself to get up and get going because working out isn’t fun, then new workout clothes are always a must. If I look good while working out, I feel better about myself and am more motivated to do the workout. I mean, look good, feel good, right? Nike has been my go-to lately for just that. The Nike Go leggings have become one of my new favorites. They provide the right amount of support, a sleek design, and pockets perfect for daily walks with my kids, playing at the park, and still stylish enough to run errands afterward. They give me the freedom to workout however I see fit, and when paired with the Nike Alate sports bra, the longline fit provides great coverage while the stretchy, unpadded fabric is ideal for any free-range movement. Throw it on by itself or under a tank top or jacket and go.

Now while I’m not one who likes to work out when it’s my time of the month, sometimes you have to do what you have to do, and the Nike One Leak Protection biker shorts are a must. They’re comfortable and made with an ultra-thin liner that helps prevent leaks. So, even your regular protection has protection. Since on those days, I’m usually not feeling my best, I love to pair it with the Nike Indy sports bra. It's soft with low support, and mesh on the back to help keep you cool and perfect just to wear whenever wherever.

While my fitness journey may not look like most, it's a continuous path of learning new things, growing, and expanding my self-love. Nike makes me feel loved by creating clothes I can grow to love myself in on this journey. I can feel confident that when I put on my Nike gear, I don’t have to be the strongest athlete, the fastest runner, or even that into fitness at all. I can just be me and feel confident while figuring it out along the way.