6 Mimosa Mocktails

It's not MimOsa it's MimosA (if you know you know). Anyways in honor of National Mimosa Day I'm going to give you 6 simple recipes. An by now you should know if you are pregnant like me or just don't enjoy alcohol but, still want to participate we are making mocktails.

Now I love me a good alcoholic beverage especially a nice mimosa at brunch with your girls or breakfast date with hubby. However when you are pregnant all that goes out the window. Better order you an orange juice or a glass of water and call it a day.

I'm not one for ordering mocktails when we are out at a restaurant it's not that big of a deal to me. But it's a totally different story when I'm home. After a long week of dealing with a rambunctious toddler I just want to unwind on the couch with a nice drink. And since I can't drink a glass of wine (maybe a bottle) or a real cocktail a mocktail will have to do. I'm not saying it even remotely compares to a cocktail but it gets the job done and I don't really like to taste the alcohol in my drinks anyways.

So here we go 6 simple and delicious mocktails recipes for you to enjoy after a long day.

Hope you enjoy one or all of these simple mocktail recipes. Leave your comments or suggestions down below. Happy Drinking!