The Secret To Conquering Teething: What I Wish Someone Told Me About Sooner

This post has been sponsored by Orajel™ Baby . All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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If you are a parent then you know a thing or two about teething and all the headaches it brings along with it. Unless you are a new parent, then brace yourself because it’s coming and it’s not pretty. Teething with my son who is now two was a doozy. As a new mom it was a very overwhelming experience; lots of late nights crying and just pure frustration. I didn’t know what to do! I tried all kinds of tips and tricks and eventually, we just got through it. I knew this time around with my daughter Ava I wanted to take a different approach and be fully prepared for the many woes of teething. This is why I’m so excited to share with you Orajel™ Non-Medicated Cooling Gels for Teething. It’s a game changer! I wanted something that helped soothe my teething, cranky infant but was Benzocaine-Free.

So one day while strolling down the baby aisle in Albertsons to get my usuals, diapers, wipes, formula you know the drill. I went to pick up some diaper cream and noticed the Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gels for Teething, I won’t lie, I was skeptical at first. As a mother, it’s important for me to make sure what I’m giving my baby is safe and while examining the box the first thing that caught my eye was it was the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Teething Brand. After further inspection, I found it was 100% drug-free with absolutely 0 benzocaine, another plus in my book. Then to top it off it was the Orajel Teething combo pack for both a daytime and nighttime product all in one. Talk about Albertsons for the win.

Needless to say, I bought it and it has been a tremendous help for my teething 4 month old, because let me tell you teething and 4 month sleep regression equals long sleepless nights. However, now my Ava girl and I can both sleep a little better at night knowing she’s less likely to be fussy due to teething. A happy baby equals a happy mama. Now I don't stress as much as I did when DeMarcus was teething because I know Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gels for Teething will get the job done. As a seasoned mama now I wish someone would have told me about this product when I first had my son. So if you don't want to end up like me the first go-round when teething comes knocking at your door, I suggest you run don't walk to your local Albertsons and pick you up some Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gels for Teething. If mom life is keeping you busy (and I mean honestly when isn't it) then check out the Albertsons mobile app. Super convenient for a busy mom and so user friendly you could even get your weekly grocery shopping done all with just a few clicks.

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From one mama to another Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gels for Teething is one product you don't want to miss out on. Be sure to tell all your mom friends about it and it's sure to become a new household staple.