1 Year Post PA Band Surgery

Today marks 1 whole year since my little warriors first open-heart surgery. I honestly remember it like it was yesterday, it was one of the toughest days I ever had to go through as a mother a first time mother at that. To see your child have to go undergo something so serious at such a young age and all you can do is sit there wait and pray that everything turns out okay is one of the most nerve-wracking things I ever had to do.

On this day a year ago, I found out just how strong I was as a mother and how unbelievable strong my 3 month old son was. To say he is a fighter would be an understatement but fight he did I have never in my life seen a baby so happy just a day after having heart surgery. Kids are truly amazing and special human beings. I am so grateful that my son chose to fight and to this day hasn’t stopped fighting. I am grateful for all the doctors & nurses who cared for him at this vulnerable time in our lives, even the ones that doubted him. We spent a total of 5 days in the hospital from the day he had surgery till Christmas Morning. Now spending your first Christmas as a mother in the hospital was not ideal or at all how imagined his first Christmas to go but to this day I still believe it was a Christmas miracle we got to go home so early. I honestly was prepared to be in there at least a month or a few weeks with the way the doctors are always talking. But god and my son definitely had other plans.

After sitting here thinking about that day I am just now realizing that, throughout the whole process I never once broke down I never once let him see me cry I stayed strong for my baby. I was happy and therefore he was happy. Now all those emotions I never let out are hitting me like a brick. All I want to do is hold my baby, cry and tell him how proud I am of him, how strong he is and how he can achieve anything he wants in life. To let him know that I would do any and everything to give him the best life possible. That I will always be in his corner rooting for him. That he is my world and I would give my last breath for him.