Blessing's In Disguise


Sometimes Life hands you your biggest blessings in the most Mysterious ways. I say this because somedays I find myself asking Why? Why you? Why me? Before you I was lost without a purpose floating through life looking for a way out. Praying for a reason to live, a reason to not give up and he gave me you. In my darkness days he gave me you. My sweet baby boy who would endure more then I could have ever imagined in his first year of life and still, you continued to smile and bring joy to the people around you.

Now because of you I see life in a whole new light it’s not easy but you are worth it. I tell myself if you can do it so can I. Every appointment, every procedure you continue to let nothing steal your joy. Your heart is pure, your love is contagious and I am so happy to call you my son. My Sweet DeMarcus Bryson. 

From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I found my purpose. Being your mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the reason that even at the saddest part of my life I smile. The reason I strive to be the best me. You show me unconditional love no matter how many times I mess up, you love me for me.