Father’s Day (Note to Dad)

Today marks the first of many Father’s Day’s. I am filled with so much emotion as I think back to the day we found out we were having a little boy. It was the most emotion I ever seen you have towards the pregnancy I could see you were truly happy to be a daddy. To one day get to teach your son to play football and watch cartoons together Saturday mornings. 

Even though we now know that there is a chance our son will never play football or any sports at all. You still love him unconditionally and genuinely enjoy watching him learn and grow. That may seem simple or like the normal thing to do. But I’ve read stories of many dads ending up resenting their child or even leaving because they didn’t want to deal with the burden of their child having CHD or just being different. You on the other hand embraced it and have been by your sons side every step of the way. So thank you for being an Amazing father and role model to our son. We love you and appreciate everything you do for our family. 

Happy Father’s Day DeMarcus, I hope you truly enjoy your day. 
