Heart Mom

Being a Heart mom is by far one of the hardest yet most rewarding things I ever had to take on. It comes with lots of challenges, restless nights, long hospital stays, countless doctors appointments and never ending worry. Somedays I just sit and think about all the what if’s, what if his heart just stops, what if I put him to sleep one day and he never wakes up, or what if he’s doing so good right now and tomorrow it just all goes down hill, what if his next surgery isn’t his last and the list goes on and on. Being a Heart mom to me is showing up to every appointment/facing every doctor/ taking every obstacle and not letting it defeat you. It’s pushing through when things get tough and being the most supportive mother you can be to your precious little Warrior. It’s being strong when it’s honestly the last thing you want to do. It’s taking on the burden and putting all the weight on your shoulders to carry your family to the finish line through the good and the bad. It’s putting a smile on your face before surgeries as not to worry your little warrior even though the nerves are eating you alive.

It’s not easy but it’s worth it being a Heart mom is who I am now. It gave me a purpose, I love my tiny little warrior more than anything and I would move mountains for him if I could. I will go to appointments I will face doctors I will advocate for my child no matter the circumstances. An even though being a Heart mom comes with a little extra responsibility on top of just being a mom (which is a task in its own) it can also be just as rewarding. Being a Heart mom has taught me that I am strong, that I have a voice, it has taught me to love harder than I ever thought I could love. To cherish every moment because you never know when it’s your last, to laugh harder, smile more and make those memories that last a lifetime. It’s helped me meet other mothers who are going through similar situations and mothers who are just out here kicking ass at being a mom. It’s pushing me out of my shell and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Being a Heart moms has opened my eyes to a new me and a new outlook on life. My son is my world seeing him smile and laugh everyday is honestly one of the best things in this world. I cherish our bond, I cherish the fact that I have the opportunity to watch him grow and hit his milestones, from crawling to eating to walking to talking I take nothing for granted. I am grateful I was given the opportunity to be his mother to be a Heart Mom.